Baldur’s Gate 3 is packed with rich lore and fantastic races. Have you ever wondered which race from this epic world you belong to? Take our quiz to find out if you would be a cunning Halfling, a noble Human, or perhaps a fierce Githyanki! Based on your choices and playstyle, the quiz will reveal which race you should pick for your next adventure in Faerûn. uquiz

  1. 1 What is your ideal way to approach a challenge?

    1. I rely on my strength and the support of others.
    2. I rely on my instincts and improvisation.
    3. I prefer to strategize and think ahead before acting.
    4. I dive right in and handle things as they come.
  2. 2 Which trait best defines you?

    1. Power and physicality.
    2. Charm and persuasion.
    3. Courage and loyalty.
    4. Wisdom and intellect.
  3. 3 How do you handle conflict?

    1. I seek a direct confrontation.
    2. I try to manipulate situations to my advantage.
    3. I face conflict head-on with confidence.
    4. I prefer peaceful resolutions and clever negotiation.
  4. 4 Which of these environments would you prefer to live in?

    1. A mountain fortress or a stronghold.
    2. A hidden, shadowy place full of mystery.
    3. A busy town filled with people and activity.
    4. A tranquil forest or mystical grove.
  5. 5 What is your relationship with magic?

    1. I see magic as a tool for gaining power and control.
    2. I dabble in magic when it suits me.
    3. I am fascinated by it and constantly seek to learn more.
    4. I prefer physical prowess over magic, but can appreciate it.
  6. 6 What is your view on alliances?

    1. I prefer to stand with a trusted group of friends or allies.
    2. I see alliances as a way to further my own interests.
    3. I work best when I’m in control and don’t need to rely on others.
    4. I believe in forging strong, loyal bonds with others.

Which Baldurs Gate 3 Race Are You Quiz

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  1. Quiz result

    You are a Human! You are versatile, determined, and adaptable. Humans can excel in any situation, and they are often the driving force behind major changes. You are a natural leader, brave, and loyal, and you are ready to face challenges head-on. Your tenacity makes you an invaluable ally.

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  2. Quiz result

    You are a Tiefling! Mysterious and full of charm, you have a flair for the dramatic. Tieflings are known for their cunning, fiery personalities, and ability to manipulate situations. You may not always play by the rules, but you always know how to get what you want and make a lasting impression.

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  3. Quiz result

    You are a Dwarf! You are tough, dependable, and a master of both strength and endurance. Dwarves are known for their hard work and strong sense of loyalty. You value tradition, craftsmanship, and are always ready to defend those you care about. Your resilience ensures that you never back down from a challenge.

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